How Many Calories Do I need In A Day?
This question must have crossed your mind before as it would have anyone who has ever been concerned with their health or weight. If you’re consuming more calories than you need per day, you’re bound to keep piling on the pounds year after year. This can lead to being overweight, standing the risk of developing cardiovascular disease or diabetes, and even becoming obese. On the other hand, consuming to few calories can be just as dangerous. Depriving your body of essential nutrients, minerals and vitamins can easily lead to future health problems. So how much do you really need in a day and what do you need to do in order to lose weight, maintain your current weight or gain weight?An average woman needs to eat about 2000 calories per day to maintain, and 1500 calories to lose one pound of weight per week. An average man needs 2500 calories to maintain, and 2000 to lose one pound of weight per week. However, various factors such as age, height, current weight, activity levels, metabolic health and several others may affect the above figures. From the above, it can be easily deduced that to lose 1 lb of weight in a week, all you need to do is to consume 500 less calories than you are usually used to consuming.
The Calorie Intake Calculator
Your recommended calorie intake depends on several different factors, including gender, age and daily activity. The caloric needs calculator takes all of these variables into account. Gender, for example, plays an essential role in daily calorie intake calculation. Men generally have a higher muscle percentage than women. Since muscle burns calories faster than fat, the calorie requirements for men will be naturally higher than the calorie intake needs for women. Age also plays an essential role. As our bodies age, they burn fewer and fewer calories per day.That means, as an individual ages and their metabolism slows, their daily caloric needs decrease as well. This is an essential factor, especially if someone fails to reduce their calorie intake from year to year. Weight gain is generally the result. Lastly, but most certainly not least, is the factor of lifestyle and activity. Those with a physically active lifestyle will burn more calories during the day and will have higher calorie requirements. Furthermore, individuals participating in sports, and building more muscles as a result, will have a higher recommended calorie intake.
What Is A Calorie?
A calorie is a unit that measures energy. Calories are usually used to measure the energy content of foods and beverages. To lose weight, you need to eat fewer calories than your body burns each day. See the simple mathematics below:If calorie consumed > calorie burned = Weight GainIf calorie consumed < calorie burned = Weight LossIf calorie consumed = calorie burned = Weight Maintenance
The Importance Of Daily Activity
Daily activity is an essential element for the daily calorie needs calculator. Daily calorie intake for extremely active daily routing, like that of a construction worker, teacher or waiter, for example, should be much higher than that of an office worker, or someone with a less active lifestyle. To incorporate this vital factor, the calorie intake calculator adjusts the formula based on your daily activity. The calculator takes into consideration the following levels of activity:“Low Activity” = (little or no exercise, sedentary),“Somewhat Active” = (exercise 1-3 times/week),“Active” = (exercise 4-5 times/week),“Very Active” = (daily exercise or intense exercise 3-4 times/week)
(Exercise: 15-30 minutes of elevated heart rate activity and Intense exercise: 45-120 minutes of elevated heart rate activity.)